FAA Forms Committee to Address Pilot Mental Health Issues

On Thursday, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced the formation of a committee focused on pilot mental health. The committee's goal is to propose solutions to obstacles that deter pilots from disclosing mental health issues. This initiative has gained momentum following an incident last month involving an off-duty Alaska Airlines pilot who attempted to disable a plane's engines mid-flight during a nervous breakdown.


FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker emphasized the importance of incorporating recent advancements in mental health care into the evaluation of pilots' health. The FAA also plans to address outstanding recommendations from a July report by the inspector general's office on pilot mental health, which highlighted pilots' hesitance to disclose mental health conditions as a limitation to mitigating safety risks.

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Jennifer Homendy, Chair of the National Transportation Safety Board, announced plans for forums on pilot mental health on December 6. She stressed the need for significant reform in the FAA's oversight of pilot mental health, stating that the current system has been flawed for a long time. Pilots fear job loss if they disclose their mental health issues or therapy attendance.

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Pilots are required to report certain mental health conditions to aviation medical examiners, who assess their fitness to fly. Homendy emphasized the dynamic nature of mental health and the existence of methods to manage mental health challenges without compromising flight safety. Jason Ambrosi, President of the Air Lines Pilots Association, called for the destigmatization of mental health among pilots and emphasized the importance of open communication. He commended the FAA's initiative to assemble a diverse group of experts, including pilots, mental health professionals, and regulators, to discuss future directions.

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