Flight attendants are outraged as United announces a massive aircraft order

On October 3, 2023, United Airlines announced a massive order for new aircraft, including 50 Boeing 787-9 Dreamliners and 60 Airbus A321neo jets. The order is worth billions of dollars and is one of the largest in recent history. However, the announcement has been met with fury by United flight attendants, who are currently in negotiations with the airline over a new contract. The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, representing more than 25,000 United cabin crew members, has accused the airline of putting profits ahead of its employees.


In a statement, AFA-CWA United president Ken Diaz said: "United Airlines is spending billions of dollars on new planes, but they can't find the money to invest in their flight attendants. This is a slap in the face to our members, who have worked tirelessly to keep this company afloat during the pandemic and beyond." Diaz also threatened strike action if the airline failed to negotiate better terms. "We will not hesitate to take action to protect our members' rights and benefits," he said.

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United flight attendants are demanding a significant pay increase, improved working conditions, and a more equitable retirement plan. They have also accused the airline of failing to address staffing shortages and other problems that have led to disruptions for passengers and crew alike. United Airlines has defended its decision to order new aircraft, arguing that it is necessary to modernize its fleet and meet growing demand. The airline has also said it is committed to reaching a fair agreement with its flight attendants.


However, the union is skeptical of the airline's assurances. "United has a long history of breaking promises to its flight attendants," Diaz said. "We won't be fooled again." The dispute between United Airlines and its flight attendants is the latest in a series of labor problems that have plagued the airline industry in recent months. Other airlines, such as Delta and Southwest, have also faced strikes and other disruptions as they try to cope with staffing shortages and other challenges. The outcome of the dispute between United Airlines and its flight attendants could have far-reaching implications for the airline industry as a whole. If the union successfully wins a favorable contract, it could embolden other unions to demand similar concessions from their employers. This could lead to a wave of strikes and other disruptions across the industry at a time when it is already struggling to cope with the aftermath of the pandemic.

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