The diplomatic spat ignites massive bookings for India-Canada flights

The diplomatic situation between Canada and India has escalated quickly in the last few days, leading to a surge in last-minute bookings for flights between the two countries. This unexpected development has been triggered by a diplomatic row that started after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accused the Indian government of being potentially involved in the assassination of a Sikh separatist activist on Canadian soil.


The Diplomatic Spat

The diplomatic row began when Trudeau claimed that there were "credible allegations" of a link between "agents of the government of India" and the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Sikh Canadian citizen. India has vehemently denied these allegations, calling them "absurd" and "motivated". In response to these allegations, both countries have expelled each other’s diplomats.

Impact on Travel

The escalating tensions have had a significant impact on travel between the two nations. India has suspended visa applications for Canadian citizens indefinitely, citing security concerns for its employees at the High Commission of India in Canada. This move has left many Canadians who were planning to travel to India in a state of uncertainty. Travel portals have reported a spike of 25% in last-minute fares for flights between India and Canada. Many passengers seem to have brought forward their travel plans and are looking for last-minute tickets between India and Canada. The current situation has prompted many to advance their plans and make last-minute bookings.


Current Flight Operations

Currently, Air India and Air Canada are the only carriers offering non-stop flights between the two countries. Air India operates Delhi-Toronto and Delhi-Vancouver flights daily, while Air Canada has a daily Delhi-Toronto service. Despite the diplomatic fallout, flights between the two countries continue to operate normally for existing visa holders.

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The current diplomatic row between India and Canada is unprecedented and has led to an increase in last-minute bookings for flights between the two countries. The situation remains fluid, with many travelers anxiously waiting for updates. As the diplomatic tensions continue to escalate, it remains to be seen how this will impact long-term travel and relations between the two nations.

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