Canada Gives An Aid Worth of C$33 Million To Ukraine Air Defenses

In a significant move to support Ukraine in its ongoing conflict with Russia, Canada has announced a contribution of C$33 million to a British-led partnership. This initiative is aimed at delivering high-priority air defense equipment to Ukraine.

Aiding Ukraine's Defense

The announcement was made by the Honorable Bill Blair, Minister of National Defense, on September 17, 2023. The partnership was established in June 2023 by several countries including Denmark, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Its primary goal is to provide urgently needed air defense missiles to help Ukraine defend against Russia’s missile and drone attacks. Canada's contribution will help provide Ukraine with hundreds of short- and medium-range air defense missiles and associated systems. These are crucial for protecting Ukraine’s critical national infrastructure.


Funding and Support

The funding for this donation is part of the $500 million in new funding for military assistance for Ukraine announced in Kyiv, Ukraine by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in June 2023. Since Russia invaded its neighbor in February 2022, Ottawa has committed more than $8 billion in aid, including about $1.8 billion in military assistance.


Training Missions

Minister Blair made this announcement during his visit to Lydd Military Training Camp, the home of Canada’s Operation UNIFIER in the UK, and the UK’s own Operation INTERFLEX. These are training missions that equip Ukrainian recruits with the tools that they need to defend themselves. Approximately 170 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members are deployed to the UK under Operation UNIFIER. Since August 2022, CAF personnel deployed in the UK have trained approximately 2,600 Armed Forces of Ukraine recruits in collaboration with the UK’s Operation INTERFLEX. The Canadian-led courses last several weeks and focus on topics such as weapons handling, battlefield first aid, fieldcraft, patrol tactics, and the Law of Armed Conflict. Under Operation UNIFIER, Canada has trained more than 38,000 Ukrainian personnel since 2015.



Canada's commitment to aiding Ukraine is clear. The country will continue working closely with allies and partners to help Ukraine respond to its most urgent defense needs, including air defense. This move is a testament to Canada's dedication to global peace and security.

Endless Possibilities

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