INCIDENT | TUI Boeing 737-800 Performs Two Emergency Landings

On August 8th, A TUI Airlines Belgium Boeing 737-800, registration OO-JAF performing flight TB-2341 from Brussels (Belgium) to Rhodes (Greece), was enroute at FL370 about 40nm southeast of Zurich (Switzerland) when the crew decided to return to Brussels reporting they had a low pressure on their #1 hydraulic system. The aircraft descended to FL360 and returned to Brussels for a safe landing on runway 01 about one hour after the decision to turn around.

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OO-JAF was replaced with another Boeing 737-800 registration OO-TUV and the flight reached Rhodes with 6 hours of delay.

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The occurrence aircraft remained on the ground for about 10 hours, then departed again for flight TB-2951 to Tirana (Albania) and was enroute at FL370 about 5nm south of Zurich (Switzerland) when the crew reported a technical malfunction and decided to return again. The aircraft descended to FL360 and landed back on Brussels' runway 01 about 50 minutes after turning around.


Following the second return the aircraft remained on the ground in Brussels for about 42.5 hours before returning to service without further incident.

The airline reported the aircraft returned to Brussels twice due to technical problems.

Source: Aviation Herald

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